Slam poetry
Slam poetry is an excellent tool to give information about many topics using different strategies such as learn, teach, and practice.
Dr. Berry has an explanation about slam poetry, and his explanation caught my attention immediately. I was confused and, I said myself, what is slam poetry? Maybe it is text or harder homework?. But not, slam poetry is more than that. It is the strategy to talk about controversial topics when you express your feelings.
Slam poetry, is a form of performance poetry when you can see performance elements such as writing, competition, and audience participation. Nowadays, it is difficult for students to learn the theory because it is harder for them. In many cases, it is better to learn to keep in mind images, videos, histories, interpreting, and more, slam poetry gives the students the possibility to understand correctly.
On the one hand, when a person access to practice or access to learning slam poetry can develop the next steps:
- reading, interpreting, and performing poetry should be one of the most important parts of the English program.
- in poetry, you will be able to exploration sounds, images, and words associate with the semantic resources available to the students.
- dramatizing the poem can also be a creative and attractive method through students can develop a response to the poem.
On the other hand, it is relevant to ask yourself how the teacher can use performance poetry to enhance their students’ language experiences in the classroom?, through the dramatization of poetry promotes the development of feeling for language through fostering creative responses to text through action. Also, if you want to learn another language you can learn easily with your body language, easy expression, gestures, creative use of voice, and movements.
Education Studio (2018)
Moreover, another step to do slam poetry is the reading of the poem. Students usually reading experiences, and it should be a shared experience between teachers and students. When teachers read aloud, they help children elaborate the world within the text and connect the word to their personal experiences reading poetry. (see the last image)
Slam poetry is not
- Essays, novels, or short stories. It is a competition may not be the point, but it is an essential ingredient because teachers do not decide what is art, is the audience that decided if it is good or not.
- It is not just text on a page.
- It is not a talent show that is artistic, entertaining, educational, spiritual, reflective, and above all life-changing.
To conclude, if you are a teacher and is difficult for you to inspire your students to learn about a theory topics, or maybe you do not anything about a perfect tool for your students, you can use slam poetry. It is an excellent tool for developing students learning, the capability to find resources to implement in their activities, appropriate the topics, learn a language through their body, and transmit it in the best way to others.
Thank you for reading.
By: Isabella Espinel Rodríguez.